Model TCIC Thermocouple | Checking Load Cell | Weighing Trucks and Trains In Motion |

Model TCIC Thermocouple

High Speed 8 Channel Thermocouple Interface Card

Model TCIC Thermocouple Interface Card with USB or RS232 / 485

Main Features

  • Low cost high speed thermocouple measurement 400 channels / second
  • 8 channels high resolution A/D converter with on board noise filters
  • Supports themocouple types J,K,E,R,S,T or ±500 millivolts at 1 microvolt resolution
  • On board cold junction compensation
  • On board temperature conversion functions enable stand-alone operation
  • USB interface as standard or USB + RS-232 /RS-485 (option) for communication with PLCs
  • Multiple boards may be connected via USB or RS485
  • 8 opto-isolated outputs configurable as setpoints, latching alarms or user outputs
  • Comes with very useful software package and data logger
  • Option to get the TCIC as a bare board or in ABS box.

Main Specifications

Thermocouple & Millivolt Inputs

Each of the 8 input channels can be configured to measure either ±500 millivolts or one of the following themocouple types, in any combination:

Type Range *C Accuracy *C Resolution *C
J -210 to 1200 ±1.5 0.019
K -200 to 1372 ±1.5 0.024
E -200 to 1000 ±1.5 0.015
R -50 to 1768 ±2.0 0.125
S -50 to 1768 ±2.0 0.143
T -200 to 400 ±1.5 0.022

Interface Options

  • USB as standard (USB powered)
  • RS232 / RS485 option

Typical Applications

  • Fast data logging
  • Stand-alone temperature monitoring for industrial applications

Attached Software

  • TCIC-Monitor software operates as a sophisticated data logger allowing data from all 8 channels to be logged to file. The Monitor software is able to control all parameters of the TCIC, which are stored in non-volatile on-board memory
  • A LabViewtm vi demonstration is also included.
  • Full examples for the programmer in .NET on how to communicate with the TCIC and easily make his own application.